The course's duration is 2 hours and it can take place on a day and time of your preference.  
The course is in English.
The course is only online. Once you register you will receive a Microsoft Teams link. However, if you prefer other platforms, before the course we can discuss and choose any online meeting option like zoom, Google Meet, etc.
The course is suitable for every kid 12+ years old, classes and for the whole family.
Even though parents shouldn't actively participate, it is recommended to be around and monitor the kid during the course. The active participation of the family is ideal and most of the times makes the course even more efficient. 
We use several tools during the course. We use tools for mind-mapping, design and work flow management. For database creation and for building our fully-functional application using the trial version of Ninox . Ninox is a No/Low Code database platform that works in all devices. 
Ninox is one of the most flexible Low-Code platforms in the digital ecosystem with a plethora of automation features and integration possibilities.

Digital Sonar is an official Ninox Partner and our team are Ninox Experts with multiyear experience in training and database building.

By enrolling to our course, you will receive instructions on how to create an account and get a Ninox Trial version.
After the course, the students can continue using the trial version that we can help get it extended to up to 6 months.